Freezone event services pay a lot of attention to the information on their website. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information. No rights may be derived from the information contained on this website.

Freezone event services is not liable for any damage, direct or indirect and of whatever nature, arising from, or in any way related to the use of this site or the information posted thereon, or subsequently posted at any time.

References to other website and hyperlinks are for information only, for you as visitor of this site. Freezone event services does not endorse the content or its reliability with respect to the websites and hyperlinks.

Freezone event services retain the rights to the information contained on the website. Disclosure by other means or processing this information is not permitted without prior permission from Freezone event services. Please contact the office by email

When you publicize content from our website, please include a source reference with an active link to the website.